#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: Coverage.pm,v 2007/03/26 14:10:54 briano Exp $ # =head1 NAME Coverage =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a plugin to find the Coverage of a feature (query) in other feature (anchor). =head1 TODO Write some docs. =head1 AUTHOR Marco Valtas Emavcunha@bit.fmrp.usp.brE Copyright (c) 2002 Regional Blood Center of Ribeirao Preto This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty. =cut package Bio::Graphics::Browser::Plugin::Coverage; use strict; use Bio::Graphics::Browser::Plugin; use warnings; use Carp; use CGI qw(:standard *table); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); @ISA = qw(Bio::Graphics::Browser::Plugin); $VERSION = '0.10'; sub name { "Coverage" } sub description { p("This is a plugin to find the Coverage of a feature (query) in other feature (anchor)."). p(q[ Revision: $Revision: $]). p("Author: Marco Valtas (mavcunha\@bit.fmrp.usp.br)"); } sub mime_type { "text/html"; } sub type { 'dumper'; } sub dump { my ($self,$segment) = @_; my $config = $self->configuration; my $DEBUG = $config->{"debug"};# We are in debug mode? # Checking some commom mistakes. $self->_error('config',$segment) unless ($config->{query} and $config->{anchor}); # The multiple nature of query select turn check for same kind complicated. #$self->_error('select',$segment) if ($config->{query} eq $config->{anchor}); if($DEBUG){ warn("===>Coverage Plugin Start ".localtime()." <===\n"); $self->_html_header("Coverage Plugin DEBUG Mode - ".localtime()); print "Segment requested: $segment
"; print "User Configuration:
"; my $q = join(b(' and '),@{$config->{'query'}}); print "QUERY: ".$q."
"; print "ANCHOR:".$config->{'anchor'}."
"; } # Getting some more objects. my $browser = $self->browser_config; my $gff_db = $self->database; my @query_feature; push(@query_feature,$browser->label2type($_)) foreach @{$config->{'query'}}; my ($anchor_feature) = $browser->label2type($config->{'anchor'}); # what I got? if($DEBUG){ print "Features:
"; print "QUERY FEATURE: @query_feature
"; print "ANCHOR FEATURE: $anchor_feature
"; } my @anchors = $segment->features($anchor_feature); my $total_q; { my %total_query; $total_query{$_->name}++ foreach $segment->features(-type=>@query_feature); $total_q = int(keys %total_query); } # We have found a anchor in the present segment? $self->_error("noanchor",$segment) unless @anchors; print "
Anchors found: @anchors

" if $DEBUG; my $total_anchors = $#anchors + 1;# How many anchors? my %total_query_overlap; my %total_anchor_overlap; # if we are here, probably is alright, so let's begin the html. $self->_html_header("Coverage Plugin - $segment ") unless $DEBUG; my @table_fill; # This will keep the list of match, for later. # Overlap block search. print "Starting overlap search:
" if $DEBUG; foreach my $anchor (@anchors){ my $a_seg = $gff_db->segment($anchor); print "ANCHOR $anchor SEGMENT $a_seg
" if $DEBUG; my @overlap = $a_seg->overlapping_features(@query_feature);# See Bio:DB::GFF # Buffering our results. push(@table_fill,td({-class=>'datatitle'},a({-href=>"gbrowse?name=".$anchor->name},$anchor->name))); foreach my $match (@overlap){ $total_query_overlap{$match->name}++; # Count all query overlaps. $total_anchor_overlap{$anchor}++; # Count overlaps by anchors # Preparing the output table. push(@table_fill,td({-class=>'databody'},$match->name)); print "->Overlap $match
" if $DEBUG; } } my $q = join(b(' and '),@{$config->{query}}); #We need a summary table. print table({-width=>'100%'}, TR({-class=>'searchtitle'}, td({-colspan=>'2',-align=>'center'},b("Summary of the Coverage")) ), TR({-class=>'searchbody'},[ td(["Anchor Selected",$config->{anchor}]), td(["Query Selected",$q]), td(["Total of anchors in segment", $total_anchors]), td(["Total of queries in segment", $total_q]), td(["Total of overlapping queries", int(keys %total_query_overlap) ]), td(["Total of anchors that had at least one overlap",int(keys %total_anchor_overlap)]), td(["Percent of Coverage",sprintf("%.2f",((int(keys %total_anchor_overlap)/$total_anchors)*100))."%"]), ]) ); # Here is the list of features that matched, if the user marked # show all matchs, this will displayed too. if($config->{list_match}){ print table({-width=>'100%'}, TR({-align=>'left'}, td({-class=>'datatitle',-align=>'center'},"List of the overlapping features") ), TR({-align=>'left'},\@table_fill) ); } $self->_html_footer; warn("===>Coverage Plugin End ".localtime()." <===\n") if $DEBUG; return; } # Empty defaults. sub config_defaults { my $self = shift; return { }; } sub reconfigure { my($self) = @_; my $config = $self->configuration; # Madatory configurations # foreach my $option (@queries){ # push(@{$config->{'query'}},$option # my @queries $config->{'query'} = [param('Coverage.query')]; $config->{'anchor'} = param('Coverage.anchor'); # Optional configuration. # This configuration lists all matches. $config->{'list_match'} = param('Coverage.list_match'); # Debug mode checkbox. $config->{'debug'} = param('Coverage.debug'); return; } sub configure_form { my ($self) = @_; my $b = $self->browser_config; my $config = $self->configuration; return table({-width=>'100%'}, TR({-class=>'searchtitle'}, th({-colspan=>'3',-align=>'LEFT'}, "Enter the configuration.", ) ), TR({-class=>'searchbody','-align'=>'left'}, td(b('Query
'), checkbox_group('-name'=>"Coverage.query", -values=>[$b->labels], -linebreak=>'true', -default=>\@{$config->{query}}, ), td({-valign=>'top'},b('Anchor
'), radio_group('-name'=>"Coverage.anchor", -values=>[$b->labels], -linebreak=>'true', -default=>$config->{anchor}, ), ), td({-valign=>'top'},b('Options
'), checkbox(-name=>'Coverage.list_match', -value=>'1', -label=>'Show match list'),'
', #checkbox(-name=>'Coverage.debug', # -value=>'1', # -label=>'Turn on debug'), ), ), ) ); } sub _error { my($self,$error_key,$segment) = @_; my $config = $self->configuration; # Error messages my %error_message = ( "noanchor" => p("Can not find a anchor ", font({-color=>'red'},$config->{anchor}), " in this segment ", font({-color=>'red'},$segment) ), "config" => p("Missing configuration, use ", font({-color=>'red'},"Configure"), " before hit ", font({-color=>'red'},"Go!") ), "select" => p("You selected the same feature ", font({-color=>'red'},$config->{query}), " in both boxes, please select different features. Hit \"Back\" on your Browser" ), ); # Now we print out the error to the user. print $self->_html_header('Coverage Plugin Error'), table({-width=>'100%'}, TR({-class=>'datatitle'}, td({-colspan=>'2',-align=>'LEFT'}, "An error occured in your request", ) ), TR({-class=>'databody'}, td({-colspan=>'2',-align=>'LEFT'}, $error_message{$error_key}, ) ), ); $self->_html_footer; # the end. exit(0); } sub _html_header { my($self,$title) = @_; my $browser = $self->browser_config; print start_html(-title =>$title, -style => {src=>$browser->setting('stylesheet')}, ),h1($title); return; } sub _html_footer { my($self) = @_; print table({-width=>'100%'}, th( p({-align=>'left'},"Author: ", a({-href=>'mailto:mavcunha@bit.fmrp.usp.br'},"Marco Valtas (mavcunha\@bit.fmrp.usp.br) "). localtime() ), ) ). end_html; return; } 1;